Tips for Exhibitors

Reaching new clients or customers can be expensive and time consuming with unpredictable results. Since beginning the Enlightened Living Faire, we have received a lot of feedback from exhibitors who have stated that the ELF has been invaluable to them in their marketing outreach. The following are some Do's and Don'ts that will enhance your experience at the Faire and generate more interest and energy for you and the service or product you offer.

DO have an attractive sign that tells people who you are and what you are offering.

DON'T expect them to ask or read your mind.

DO take the time to create an attractive display for yourself. Fresh flowers, statuary, and creating different levels for displaying merchandise or information is guaranteed to be more eye catching and visually enticing than things laying flat on a table.

DO have plenty of business cards, brochures, class schedules, etc, on hand that are easy to reach even if you're with somebody else.

DO have a mailing list available and ask people if they are on it. The guests of the Faire are there because they are interested in what you offer.

DON'T miss this rich opportunity to expand your mailing list, inform people of your upcoming classes or events, and the services you offer away from the Faire.

DO tell people you are going to be at the Faire. Notify your mailing list, tell friends, list it on your website, etc.

DO show up on time. Please allow yourself ample time for travel, unloading, setting up and becoming centered and grounded before the guests arrive. An Intention Circle is conducted prior to the start of each Faire allowing the group to come together as a whole.

DO be available. Excessive talking on cell phones, visiting at other booths, and taking breaks away from your space leaves your booth unattended, can create a burden for your neighbor and have guests wondering where you are or if you're even there. If you are going to presenting a workshop......

DO have a sign to leave on your table informing guests of that.

DO look for ways to improve your presentation, materials, approach, etc. Observe and learn from other exhibitors and your guests. If guests keep asking what you are doing you may want to provide more clarity in your signage; if you seem to keep answering the same questions consider creating a handout that addresses the FAQ's you receive.

DO be a frequent exhibitor. Just like with other forms of marketing it may take several exposures before you have the guests lining up at your booth.

DON'T leave before the Faire ends: early departure without permission is against the policy of the Enlightened Living Faire.

      "If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done." -Anonymous

Come to experience...
Stay to enjoy....

2025 Faire Schedule 
Sat. March 8, 2025 
Sat. Oct. 11, 2025



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