Free Workshop Schedule


 11:00      “Divine Light Meditation”                          with Jan VanEk

                 Back by popular demand!! Join Jan in this experiential discussion 
                 and meditation that was developed by renowned teachers Barbara Y 
                 Martin and Dimitri Moraitis based on meditation traditions dating
                 back 4,000 years. Learn how you can connect with your source of 
                 health, prosperity, love and more to improve all facets of your life. 



12:00        “The Wonderful World of Dowsing”             with Nick Salzman                       

                   Have you ever been in the presence of something you couldn't                             explain and wanted to know more?  If so you'll want to join Nick in 
                   this fascinating 
discussion as he dives into the world behind                                 the veil that has fascinated humanity for ages.



1:00          "Shamanic Healing"                                           with Ernie Flores   

                  Discover the power of shamanic healing and the types of ailments it 
                  can help alleviate.  Learn how to embark on your own shamanic 
                  journeys from home and cultivate a daily energy practice to 
                  strengthen your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. 

2:00           "Give Yourself the Gift of Presence”           with Anna Fornachon                                                           
                    Every moment is an opportunity to become present and witness
                    with neutrality. Anything standing in your way from connecting to
                    Spirit is a valuable gift. Through movement, sound and working
                    with crystals we will co-create a connection with Spirit energy,
                    and welcome in the powers of healing through presence. 



3:00             “Dicover Goddess 101"                       with Rev. Karen Tate                                                
                      Join in on this interactive discussion with 
 Rev. Karen Tate,
                      ordained interfaith minister as she anwers about the Divine 
                      Feminine as diety, archetype and ideal. Also,hear about her 
                       travels to sacred sites around the world.



 4:00           “Working With the Violet Flame"        with Andrea Kremko

 Whether you are new to the Violet Flame or have been working                             with it for years you will want to join Andrea in this experiential                             discussion of exploring what the Violet Flame is, how to invoke it
                     and what its’ purpose is. You will also be able to enjoy a guided                             meditation allowing you to experience the energy and essence of                           this sacred Flame for your yourself.                              












Come to experience...
Stay to enjoy....


2024 Faire Schedule
Sat. Oct 12, 2024

2025 Faire Schedule 
Sat. March 8, 2025 
Sat. Oct. 11, 2025



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